Writers for Writers
Have you always wanted to write a novel or a family history? Are you aiming for publication and want to perfect your work?
Story Board offers mentoring and manuscript feedback to writers of all levels, with one-to-one online coaching for both fiction and non-fiction.
Whether you’re stuck and need inspiration, want to finish that first draft or get feedback on what you’ve completed so far, Story Board is here to help.
Why we are unique
Story Board offers a personal consultation with highly experienced, published authors, tailored to your own writing needs. Unlike other mentoring arrangements, you don’t need to be enrolled in a course, or sign up in advance to a whole series of appointments. Our consultations run for 50 minutes – long enough for a full discussion, but short enough to retain focus.
Our one-to-one method ensures that feedback will be specific to your needs, and you will receive three action points at the end of your first consultation.
You can book a one-off session, or sign up for a series of consultations.

What we offer
We offer support and guidance for every stage of the writing process. We can help you get started, encourage you to keep going, and assist you in making your work the best it can be.
This might include:
Discussing your writing aims, setting goals and organising your writing time.
Learning how to keep the creative flow going.
Constructive feedback on what you’ve written so far.
For those seeking publication, we can offer advice on writing pitches and synopses, approaching agents, and the nature of the publishing industry today.
Our Areas of Expertise
Literary, historical, contemporary, documentary fiction, genre, short stories
Narrative non-fiction, family history, local history, biography; nonfiction works in the humanities and sciences; academic articles and book chapters for publication
Autofiction, autobiography
Pitching ideas, blog writing, feature writing, interviewing techniques
Publishing advice
Preparing pitches, synopses and letters to agents
Articles, reports and speeches for professionals in companies, institutions, NGOs, multilateral organizations and others

About Us
Caitlin Davies and Caroline Brothers are critically acclaimed, award-winning authors who are passionate about the creative process and inspiring new and emerging writers. Having made the journey ourselves from unpublished to published authors of both fiction and non-fiction, we know first-hand the joys and the struggles of the writing process. We are experienced editors of our own writing and sensitive readers of others’ work.
We have taught and coached writers of all levels, from beginners to published authors, both in person and online. We’ve delivered writing workshops and talks and given hundreds of one-to-one writing tutorials as fellows of the Royal Literary Fund. We have extensive experience of the creative process from the inside, and we can help you take your writing to the next level.